Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Effective Is Stretch Mark Surgery?

Many women and men alike as a treatment using different topical lotions and creams containing vitamin E, and TROFOLASTIN on them to help prevent and reduce the brands already present. When you get stretch marks are usually permanent, as a stretch mark comes from when the middle layer of skin (dermis) tears, and causes a scar on the middle layer of tissue. Some lotions like cocoa butter has been said to help prevent stretch marks appear, but tests have shown that cocoa butter has no vitamins, and TROFOLASTIN necessary to facilitate the removal of stretch marks.

Men also have stretch marks, and usually this is due to obesity or rapid muscle growth as well. Stretch marks may appear that some men in the stomach, upper arm, back and chest of men and women. Men can also use things like different lotions to help remove the marks. The best method although both men and women in surgery for stretch marks. This is the process in which a physician with a general pulsed dye laser, the wound on the layer or the middle layer of skin so the body will start to repair it, and produce more elasticity in the area.

Then how effective is stretch mark surgery? The method of surgery has been shown to help remove stretch marks, and show a large percentage in the elimination and the reduction of stretch marks. Almost 75% to 90% rate of improvement has been reported the use of surgery with pulsed dye laser to help remove stretch marks. Many women and men have used this method, and as noted above have reported excellent results with this surgery. Although it is a facelift, and is quite expensive for most of the revenues of America, if you want to completely eliminate stretch marks, this is basically the only option for people.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Stretch Mark Surgery Is A Modern Way to Remove Stretch Marks?

Stretch Mark Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is very expensive and it is not possible for everyone to afford. Many doctors believe that laser surgery is the best solution to get rid of stretch marks. But most doctors and surgeons do not support this belief that has no evidence. They say that the surgeries have been successful in eliminating stretch marks, but no laser surgery stretch mark. They have a very contrary opinion and say that lasers are ineffective in curing this problem.

They are actually a laser beam of coherent light containing extreme energy and break down tissue efficiently. But there is evidence of the fact that lasers have been successful in building tissues. So stretch mark laser treatment is not the solution to this problem.

However, it has been shown to extend the brand laser surgery works, if taken in the early stages of the problem. At the same time it must be seen that the color of the marks are dark red or brown. Compared to tuck cosmetic surgery than other types of surgery for this problem, the latter is more successful.

Abdominoplasty surgery

Abdominoplasty refers to tuck surgery is very popular and is recommended by most doctors around the world today. In this surgery, the stomach wall is more rigorous to eliminate excess weight and excess skin in the abdomen region. And this is hailed with much success.

Therefore, one can say that if the application of cream or oil along with the necessary intake of pills is no effect, we must never forget to undergo cosmetic surgery of the abdomen, which is a proven means of cure for stretch marks .

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Much Is Stretch Mark Surgery?

Laser surgery for stretch marks removal is the most radical approach that exists today. How much is stretch mark surgery? However at around $200 per treatment it is certainly not the cheapest option for stretch marks removal. Laser surgery for stretch marks removal is a relatively new technique compared to the older techniques of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck ) and stretch mark creams.

People have stretch marks for various reasons, one being pregnancy. When the skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, similar to elastic losing its’ elasticity, scar tissues form to repair the damage and reconnect the broken skin tissues. Losing collagen and elastin in the skin causes not only stretch marks, but also loss of tone, fine lines and wrinkles. Over a very long period of time, usually years, stretch marks may fade in colour, but the scars remain. Anyone that has experienced rapid weight gain or pregnancy has most likely experienced the effects of stretch marks. For some people, stretch marks are not something they want to have so they decide to use laser surgery for stretch marks removal.

Unfortunately, there are not that many options for stretch mark removal. There has, however, been recently introduced a revolutionary method for stretch mark removal. Now, men and women can see for themselves what laser surgery for stretch marks removal is all about.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How To Fade Stretch Marks

Is there anything you can do to fade your stretch marks?

Nobody likes stretch marks. Unfortunately, most of them are permanent. In a few years, they may fade into silver color that is hardly noticeable.

Cocoa butter is considered the best method to fade stretch marks. It is effective because it stimulates the production of collagen. It slows the process of developing stretch marks, and will reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

While cream with cocoa butter may not completely eliminate stretch marks, they may at least make the stretch marks fade to a barely visible scar.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Laser Surgery of Stretch Marks

Another option that has gained its popularity is laser surgery of stretch marks. Stretch marks are eliminated or significantly diminished because the lasers stimulate the production of collagen.

Collagen is a natural protein. It supports and connect the bodily tissues, such as skin and bone. It helps heal the skin from the inside out.

This is a new type of cosmetic surgery for stretch marks. Laser surgery of stretch marks will enable you to enjoy the life again and feel the confidence with the appearance of your skin.

There are choices in stretch mark surgery. You should visit your physician and discuss what will be the best option for you.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Types of Stretch Mark Surgery

One thing you have to know is that most traditional insurance plan doesn't cover stretch mark surgery, because it's considered as a cosmetic procedure.

Types Of Stretch Mark Surgery

If your main goal is to diminish those ugly white lines and have smooth skin back, dermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser surgery can be used to address unwanted stretch marks.

Dermabrasion or surgical skin planing is a procedure in which the dermatologist removes or "sands" the skin with a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges.

This process will cause the skin injury and bleeding. As the wound heals, new skin grows to replace the damaged skin that was removed during dermabrasion. This treatments soften the surface of the skin and give the skin a smoother texture.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stretch Mark Surgery

Stretch marks can show up on several parts of the body, such as breast, abdomen, thighs, upper arms. These unwanted scars are result of pregnancy, gain weight or loss or puberty. As many as 90% of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. Some of them fade gradually, but, some will become permanent scars.

These scars are red or purple at the beginning, and eventually turn into silky white over the time. Some people have too many of them, and stretch mark cream or lotion are not good enough to eliminate them.

Is there any way to get rid of them fast? Stretch mark surgery may be the option if none of other methods worked for you.